Main Ingredients
1 Capryloyl Salicylic Acid (辛醯水杨酸) It is a salicylic acid derivative, which has good affinity with the skin and has permeability, which can promote the metabolism of old keratin, prevent acne, tighten pores, and have antibacterial effects为水杨酸衍生物,与肌肤亲和力良好且具有渗透性,可促进老废角质的代谢,预 防粉刺產生、收敛毛孔,并有抗菌之功效。
2 Hydroxyethylpiperazine Ethane Sulfonic Acid (羟㇠基呱嗪㇠烷磺酸) It has the effect of softening and whitening the skin 具有软化角质及美白的功效
3 Rhamnose(鼠李糖) Soothes the skin, reduces redness and itchiness, increases epidermal thickness, and promotes collagen type IV and collagen synthesis I. 舒缓肌肤、减少红痒、增加表皮厚度、促进Ⅳ型胶原蛋白和Ⅰ型胶原蛋白合成。
4 Tranexamic Acid(传明酸) It can block the path of melanin deterioration due to ultraviolet radiation, inhibit the activity of melanocytes, and prevent and improve skin pigmentation能阻断因为紫外线照射而形成黑色素恶化的行进路径,抑制黑色素细胞的活性, 防止和改善皮肤的色素沉积。