JLC Fair lady overnight Mask



Translucent protection membrane of only 0.07 mm which is very similar to the skin and has a high affinity with the muscle, which can promote the proliferation of skin and skin fibrous cells, phytogen protein and elastic protein, deeply repair the muscle, and has a good elastic support effect, closely sticks the muscle, improves the elasticity of the muscle, forms a breathable lifting protective film, and can also promote the absorption of the protective product



How to use:-

1. Use after removing makeup, cleaning and basic maintenance to promote the absorption of skin care products.

2. Apply an appropriate amount of mask cream to the entire face, leave on for 2 hours (can be applied overnight for better results).

3. Gently pat with water until translucent, from the bottom to the top, from the inside to the outside, gently remove (you can also remove without patting the water, from the bottom to the top, from the inside to the outside).

1. 卸妆清洁并完成基础保养后使用,可促进保养品的吸收。

2. 取适量面膜霜涂抹于全脸, 静待2小时(可敷过隔夜,效果更佳)。

3. 以清水轻拍至半透明,由下往上、由内而外,轻轻揭去(不拍水亦可揭去,由下往上、由内而外)。


Before using it for the first time, it is recommended to apply an appropriate amount on the wrist, if there is redness, swelling and itching, it is not recommended to use. Jar cap should be tightly closed to avoid drying out due to long-term contact with outside air.

